Why Good Kids Entertainment is the Best Entertainment There is.
Everyone who knows me knows I am a massive nerd. I take things that other people see as a bit of childish fun more seriously than some ‘Christians’ take the Bible. But why is that? What is it about The Muppets, Adventure Time, Toy Story and Peewee Herman that gets me so excited that I’ll waste years of my life learning trivia, songs, collecting trinkets, and reading pointless anecdotes about them?
It is, In it’s very essence, the pureness of these properties that inspires me most. In 2020, and in adult life in general, decisions are hard. People are mean, ruthlessness, and an uncaring attitude gets you furthest in life. But, in good children's entertainment, characters are broad and easy to understand. you have a problem? Ask your friends, sing a song, and face the challenge head on. Good guys have a good attitude, bad guys tell you what they are doing and get their comeuppance, and lots of characters exist purely to be the embodiment of fun. ‘Grown Up’ entertainment loses these qualities, and it is often the level of cynicism of our leads (or uncaring attitude) that get things done.
This is, without doubt, more true to life. But, especially in trying times such as this, is fun escapism so bad? Do I really want to live a life of relative unemployment where I’m stuck in my house alone 24 hours a day and use my leisure time to watch something as bleak and depressing as the world today?
No thanks! I’ll have the Muppets over Breaking Bad any day. Walter White taught me that even the greatest of men, struck down with hardship, can do whatever it takes to survive, even if it cost him his soul. Kermit taught me the benefit of hard work, artistic leadership, loving your friends and that music is the great leveller that touches the heart of every person in the world. I know what message I’d like to send to the coming generations!
It has always been my dream to produce great, accessible entertainment, and that one day, just a small fraction of something I make could affect a growing mind as the work of Jim Henson affected mine. Heck, I am practically a Fraggle, and damn proud of it!
So, if times are bad now, reach out to your friends. laugh, dance, make something and sing a song. Don’t go selling drugs from an RV!